Saturday 4 February 2017

They are all fake......CRTV AND THEIR GHOST INFOS

Urgent Communication ; They are all fake......CRTV AND THEIR GHOST INFOS

We have just been informed that crooked CRTV has announced the calling off of the strike action by some teachers trade union and said classes should resume on Monday. This is the umpteenth time they are doing so. Now let us be very clear. The consortium maintains that the strike action shall only be called off when all components of the consortium meet including those in detention on a live television show. As such, we hereby announce that the strike action continues. Parents should continue keeping their children home. Ghost towns on Monday 6th February should be very effective. All culprits going against the wish of the people should be addressed accordingly. Ghost towns continue on Friday and ultimate boycott of 11th February. We count on you all in the diaspora and La Republique to communicate back home now. We must not sacrifice our leaders in detention at this stage. The consortium shall address this more in the hours ahead.

Mark Bareta and Tapang Ivo
For the Consortium.

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