Saturday 4 February 2017

How To Open Your Woman Emotionally

How To Open Your Woman Emotionally
By Davis AKIDI (Da-vis'A the Emotional Doc)

Meeting, dating and picking up women is the easy part. The hard part is after “the object of your affection” has fallen in love with you, to keep her in love with you and maintain a great relationship. Men must master pickup skills, dating skills and relationship skills if they want to have effortless relationships with women. Men who are impatient and only want a quick fix or a pickup line, are usually unwilling to learn what they need to learn to get better. Therefore, they continue to fail. Since men are logic and reason-based, they often struggle when they move into the relationship phase with a woman. Why? Getting a woman to open up to you emotionally will only happen when she feels safe and comfortable, and that you will be a good listener and not try to solve her problem. Its more of an art than an exact science.

Once two people are in love and in a relationship together, they slowly reveal their dark sides. This brings up a lot of fear of loss because they worry the other person may leave the relationship once they discover all of their partners hang ups, weird idiosyncrasies and shortcomings. Most people tend to continually hold back as their relationship becomes more intimate and closer. The key for a man if he is entering into the relationship phase is to learn how to get his woman to open up to him emotionally. To get her to share all of her dark secrets, problems she had with a coworker during the day, her girlfriends boyfriend problems, the fact her mom pissed her off, etc.

In order for a woman to fall in love with you and stay in love with you, she must feel safe and comfortable and that you are strong enough and love her enough to break through all of her emotional barriers and love all of her. To love her when she cries. To love her when she is bitchy. To love her when she is sad, etc. It’s about loving all of her and making her feel so comfortable with you that she will talk about anything and everything without holding back. When a woman feels totally comfortable being herself around you, she will stop holding back and tell you anything you ask her. If she has a problem, you will be a good listener. If you think she wants your advice, you will always ask her first, “Do you want my advice? Or do you just want me to listen?” You simply show up and give her the love and support she needs in addition to creating a space where she feels safe and comfortable enough to spill her guts to you. When a woman does not feel safe or comfortable, she holds back. Your job as a man is to recognize this and know how to break down her barriers so she always feels safe and comfortable being herself around you, and does not hold back.

For a man to be strong enough to open his woman up emotionally is the ultimate compliment a woman can give a man. Why? So few men are able to handle and deal with an emotional woman. Since most men are uncomfortable with their own feelings, they try to avoid being around an emotional woman at all costs. It’s tough to do the right thing in a relationship all of the time. The key is to do at least 90% of the right things, so she stays in love with you long-term. The following is an e-mail from a phone coaching client of mine. He is in love with a woman who loves him for the first time in his life. You can tell he feels like a fish out of water. My comments are (in bold brackets like this) in the body of his e-mail:


As you know, I am currently a ship sailing through uncharted waters with the relationship I have (There is a first time for everything. It’s the only way you learn.) I have a very astute sense for how a girl is feeling based on her actions and facial expressions. I have noticed her being a lot more stressed lately and detached. I know why. It is because she is having some major family problems that are affecting the way she feels. I tell her that she can vent to me and tell me what is stressing h

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